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MAN 3600 Case Assignment #1

PART A – How an Ad Campaign Invented the Diamond Engagement Ring Industry

Minimum # of words for this part = 300 (not counting Professor’s words). Read the 1 article on Canvas called “How an Ad Campaign Invented the Diamond Engagement Ring Industry”

  1. How did DeBeers invent the “Engagement Ring Industry” in the US? What were the major strategies and tactics that it used to achieve this success?
  2. How did the company replicate its success and change the “engagement industry” in Japan?”
  3. How is the strategy working in Brazil? In China?

PART B – How did P&G reach the top in China?

Minimum # of words for this part = 300 (not counting Professor’s words) Read the 1 article on Canvas called “How did P&G reach the top in China”

  • How did P&G succeed and “reach the top” in China?

PART C – KFC in East Asia

Minimum # of words for this part = 300 (not counting Professor’s words) Watch the video “The Colonel Comes to Japan” and read the article “Western Brands in China – Hits and Misses” In the video “The Colonel Comes to Japan”, the company KFC made a number of adaptations and strategic decisions about how to adapt to the market and compete in Japan.

  1. Please discuss the adaptations (changes) the company made in Japan to its: ​• Menu items​• Equipment • Store Design
  2. Describe the strategy used in Japan for: • Location/Site Selection (How were they chosen?) • TV Advertising message (what was the message of the TV advertising?) ​• Community relations with the other neighborhood businesses
  3. In this video, what were some of the rituals and requirements of doing business in Japan that are very different than what we have in the US or other Western countries? Describe at least 3. (these might relate to store openings, religious ceremonies, meetings, parties, employment expectations, team building, employee training, and others).
  4. What was the main strategic adaptation that KFC made in China? (read article “Western Brands in China – hits and misses”)

PART D – Western Brands in China

Minimum # of words for this part = 300 (not counting Professor’s words) Read the article “Western Brands in China – Hits and Misses”. Some Western brands have found success in China, while others have failed.

  1. Describe three “hits” that you found interesting and why?
  2. Describe three “misses” that you found interesting and why?

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