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Community Health Field Experience Paper

KMP Task 1 (0417)

Not Evident Approaching Competence Competent
A. Time Log A “Community Health Clinical Time Log” is not provided. The “Community Health Clinical Time Log” is provided, but it is missing one or more of the given requirements. The “Community Health Clinical Time Log” is complete and includes all of the given requirements.
B. Problem Description A problem description is not provided. The problem description is missing key details about one or more of the given required components. The problem description is logical and appropriately includes each of the given required components.
C. Health Inequity/Disparity An explanation of how the health concern is linked to a health inequity/disparity within the target population is not provided. The explanation is missing key details about how the health concern is linked to health inequity/disparity, or the explanation does not appropriately relate to the target population. The explanation is logical and appropriately details how the health concern is linked to a health inequity/disparity relevant to the target population.
C1. Data to Support Inequity/Disparity Specific data to support the health inequity/disparity conclusion is not identified. The submission is missing key details that show how the data supports the health inequity/disparity conclusion within the target population, or the data contains some inaccuracies. The submission appropriately identifies specific data to support the health inequity/disparity conclusion within the target population.
C2. Primary Community and Prevention Resources A discussion of the primary community and prevention resources is not provided. The discussion is missing key details about the primary community and prevention resources, or the discussion is not appropriately related to the identified health concern. The discussion appropriately details the primary community and prevention resources relevant to the identified health concern.
C3. Underlying Causes A discussion of the underlying causes of the identified health concern is not provided. The discussion is not well-supported or is missing key details about the underlying causes of the health concern. The discussion is well-supported and logically details the underlying causes of the health concern.
D. Evidence-Based Practice A discussion of evidence-based practice associated with the selected primary prevention topic is not provided. The discussion is not well supported with evidence-based practice associated with the selected primary prevention topic. The discussion is missing key details relevant to the selected primary prevention topic. The discussion is logical and appropriately includes the evidence-based practice relevant to the selected primary prevention topic.
D1. Identification of Data Data about the selected primary prevention topic is not identified. The submission does not appropriately identify data that relates to the selected primary prevention topic form the local, state, and/or national level. The submission logically identifies data relevant to the selected primary prevention topic from the local, state, and/or national level.
E1. Social Media Campaign Objective A description of a social media campaign objective is not provided. The description of the social media campaign objective is not logical or not measureable. The description of the social media campaign objective is appropriate and measurable.
E2. Social Marketing Interventions A recommendation of 2 population-focused social marketing interventions is not provided. The recommendation is missing key details about 1 or more of the 2 population-focused social marketing interventions. The recommendation is irrelevant to the chosen primary prevention topic. The recommendation of 2 population-focused social marketing interventions is logical and appropriately related to the chosen primary prevention topic.
E2a. Rationale A discussion of the rationale for the recommendations identified in part E2 is not provided. The rationale is not well-supported or does not appropriately relate to the recommendations identified in part E2. The rationale is well-supported and appropriately relates to the recommendations identified in part E2.
E3. Social Media Platforms Appropriate social media platforms are not identified. Not applicable. The submission identifies appropriate social media platforms that will be used to communicate with the target population.
E3a. Benefits of Social Media Platform A discussion of the benefits of each chosen social media platform is not provided. The discussion is missing key details about the benefits of the chosen social media platforms. The discussion does not sufficiently relate the chosen platforms to supporting preventative healthcare. The discussion is logical and appropriately details the benefits of each chosen social media platform relevant to supporting preventative healthcare.
F. Benefit to Target Population A discussion of how the target population will benefit from a health message is not provided. The discussion is missing key details or does not relate the benefit of the health message to the target population. The discussion is logical and appropriately relates the health message to the target population.
G. Best Practices for Social Media A description of best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing is not provided. The description is missing key details or contains some inaccuracies about best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing. The description is logical and appropriately details best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing.
H1. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholder roles and responsibilities are not identified. The submission is missing information about stakeholder roles and responsibilities. The submission does not relate the roles and responsibilities of the identified stakeholders to the implementation of the social media campaign. The submission is logical and appropriately identifies the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders relevant to the implementation of the social media campaign.
H2. Potential Partnerships A discussion of potential public and private partnerships is not provided. The discussion is missing key details about potential public and/or private partnerships. The discussion does not relate the identified partnerships to aiding in the implementation of the social media campaign. The discussion is logical and appropriately includes potential public and private partnerships relevant to aiding in the implementation of the social media campaign.
H3. Implementation Timeline The submission does not include an appropriate timeline to implement a social media campaign. The timeline for implementing the campaign is unrealistic or is missing key details related to the implementation. The timeline for implementing the campaign is realistic and includes specific details related to the implementation.
H4. How to Evaluate Effectiveness An explanation of how the effectiveness of a campaign will be evaluated is not provided. The explanation is missing key details about how the effectiveness of the social media campaign will be evaluated, or the explanation does not support or does not logically address the effectiveness of the social media campaign. The explanation is well-supported and logically addresses how the effectiveness of the social media campaign will be evaluated.
H4a. Measurable Tools The necessary measurable tools are not identified. The submission does not logically identify measurable tools relevant to evaluating the social media campaign. The submission is well supported and logically identifies measurable tools necessary to evaluate the social media campaign.
H5. Cost of Implementation A discussion of costs to implement a social media campaign is not provided. The discussion does not logically address the costs involved with implementing the social media campaign. The discussion is logical and appropriately details the costs associated with implementing the social media campaign.
I. Reflection on Social Media Marketing A reflection of how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts is not provided. The reflection does not appropriately detail how social media marketing supports the community health nurse, or the reflection does not logically relate social media marketing to efforts that promote healthier populations. The reflection is logical and appropriately addresses how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations.
I1. Reflection on Future Nursing Practice A reflection of how the provided social media campaign can apply to the candidate’s future nursing practice is not provided. The reflection does not appropriately detail how the social media campaign is applicable to the candidate’s future nursing practice. The reflection is logical and appropriately addresses how experience creating a social media campaign can apply to the candidate’s future nursing practice.
J. The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and a reference list; however, the citations and/or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate. The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.
K. Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.